Translations of Leibniz's Writings
Akademie edition, Series 6, Volume 4 (Concordance, ver. 2.0)
- N. 9 Concerning Those Things That Are Conceived Through Themselves (1677)
- N. 131 General Observations (c. 1683-85)
- N. 209 On the Reality of Accidents (1688)
- N. 314 On the Reason Why These Things Exist Rather Than Any Others (c. 1689)
- N. 322 On the Continually Increasing Perfection of the World (c. 1689-90)
- N. 4964 Aphorisms on Happiness, Wisdom, Charity, Justice (Final Version) (c. 1678-79)
- N. 476 On Generosity (c. 1686-87)
Other Writings
- Leibniz's Philosophical Dream (c. 1693)
- Reflections on the Souls of Beasts (1710)
- Monadology (1714)
- To the Electress Sophie, 4 November 1696
- To the Electress Sophie, 12 June 1700
- To Giambattista Tolomei, 17 December 1705
- To Rudolf Christian Wagner, 4 June 1710
- To Friedrich Bierling, 1711-1712
- To Nicolas Remond, July 1714
- To Pierre Dangicourt, 11 September 1716