1960a. Gengo no Kijutsu. [Description of Language.] Tokyo: Kenkyu-sha.
1960b. Linguistic system. Gengo Kenkyu 34. 1-24.
1963a. Type 1 grammars and linear-bounded automata. Quarterly Progress Report, Research Laboratories of Electronics. No. 69. 199-200. MIT.
1963b. A historical remark on "rendaku", a phenomenon in Japanse phonology. Ms. MIT.
1964. Classes of languages and linear-bounded automata. Information and Control 7. 207-223.
1965a. Causative froms in Japanese. Foundations of Language 1. 30-50.
1965b. Generative Grammatical Studies in the Japanese Language. PhD. Dissertation. MIT. Reprinted, Garland Press, NY. 1979.
1965c. Ga, o, oyobi ni ni tsuite. [On particles ga, o, and ni.] Kokugo-Gaku 63. 75-85.
1966a. Soku-on oyobi hatsu-on. [On syllabic obstruents and nasals] Gengo Kenkyu 50. 85-99.
1966b. A characterization of essentially context-sensitive languages. Quarterly Progress Report, Research Laboratories of Electronics. No. 82. 215-220. MIT.
1966c. Chomsky no yoko-gao. [A profile of Chomsky.] Kotoba no Uchu 8. 132-139.
1967a. Yawelmani Phonology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
1967b. A sketch of a target query language. Mathematical Linguistics and Automatic Translation Report. Computation Laboratory, Harvard University.
1967c. Ronri-gaku-jo no shugo. [On the subject in the logical sense.] Koroba no Uchu December. 87-96.
1967d. Review of David C. Cantor; "On the ambiguity of Backus system": Shiela A. Greibach; "The undecidability of the ambiguity problem for minimal linear grammars": and Peter S. Landweber; "Decision problems of phrase-structure grammars". The Journal of Symbolic Logic 32. 114-115.
1968a. English relativization and certain related problems. Language 44. 244-266. Reprinted in S. Schane and D. Reibel (eds.), Modern Studies in English: Reading in Transformational Grammar. 264-289. Englewood Cliffs, NY: Prentice-Hall.
1968b. Review of Charles J. Fillmore, "Indirect object constructions in English and the ordering of transformation". Language 44. 374-378.
1968c. And to to, ni, ya ni tsuite no ichi chui. Kotoba no Uchu February. 68-69.
1969a. Remarks on the notion of subject with reference to words like also, even, or only. Part 1. Annual Bulletin 3. 111-129. Research Institute of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, University of Tokyo. Reprinted in Papers in Japanese Linguistics 11. 98-120. Reprinted in Kuroda 1992b.
1969b. Some historical remarks on what might be taken to be the recognition of the distinction between the so-called deep and surface subjects with specifal reference to some nonuse of the term subject in Aristotle. Ms.
1969c. Remarks on selectional restrictions and presuppositions. In F. Keifer (ed.), Studies in Syntax and Semantics. Dordrecht: D. Reidel. French translation: "Remarques sur les présuppositiones et les contraintes de sélection. Languages 14. 52-80.
1969d. On attachment transformations. In S. Schane and D. Reibel (eds.), Modern Studies in English: Reading in Transformational Grammar. 331-351. Englewood Cliffs, NY: Prentice-Hall.
1969e. Review of Masaru Kajita, "A generative-transformational study of semi-auxiliaries in present-day American English". Eigo Seinen Feb.1.
1970a. Remarks on the notion of subject with reference to words like also, even, or only. Part 2. Annual Bulletin 4. 127-152. Research Institute of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, University of Tokyo. Reprinted in Papers in Japanese Linguistics 11. 121-152. Reprinted in Kuroda 1992b.
1970b. Remarks on English manner adverbials. In R. Jakobso and S. Kawamoto (eds.), Studies in General and Oriental Linguistics. 378-396. Tokyo: Tec. Co.
1970c. Some remarks on adverbs. The English Record 20.4. 69-78. Reprinted in R. A. Jacobs (ed.), Studies in Linguistics. 152-164. Toronto: Xerox College.
1971a. Two remarks on pronominalization. Foundations of Language 7. 183-198.
1971b. Remarks on the notion of subject. Journal of Japanese Linguistics 11. 98-156.
1972a. Anton Marty and the transformatonal theory of grammar. Foundations of Language 9. 1-37. Abridged French translation: Anton Marty et la théorie transformationnelle. Languages 24. 48-66. 1971. Reprinted in Kuroda 1979b.
1972b. Categorical and thetic judgments: Evidence from Japanese syntax. Foundations of Language 9. 1-37. French translation: Jugements catégoriques et jugements thétiques. Languages 30. 82-110. 1973. Reprinted in Kuroda 1979b.
1972c. Bunpo-teki henkan to imi. In T. Shibata et al.(eds.), Gendai Gengogaku: Festschrift for Professor Shiro Hattori. 463-488. Sanseido: Tokyo. English translation: Grammatical Transformation and changes of meaning. Linguistic Notes from La Jolla 3. 41-46. 1970.
1972d. On structural similarity of phrase-structure languages. Proceedings of IRIA Conference on Formal Languages and Automata. 467-474.
1972e. Anatagata. [On the second person plural pronoun in Japanese.] Gengo 1. 4.
1972f. Review of Kazuko Inoue: "A study of Japanese syntax," Journal of American Oriental Society 99. 353-355.
1973a. Where epistemology, style, and grammar meet. In S. R. Anderson and P. Kipirsky (eds.), A Festschrift for Morris Halle. 337-391. NY: Holt Rinehart and Willson. Reprinted in Kuroda 1979b.
1973b. Edmund Husserl, Grammaire Générale et Raisonée, and Anton Marty. Foundations of Language 9. 1-37.
1973c. Généralisation de la notion d'équivalence de grammaires--une méthode topologique. In M. Gross, M. Halle, and M. P. Schutzenberger (eds.), the Formal Analysis of Natural Languages. 362-371. Mouton: The Hauge.
1973d. On Kuno's direct discourse analysis of Japanese reflexive zibun. Papers in Japanese Linguistics1. 136-147.
1974a. On grammar and narration. In C. Rohrer and N. Ruwet (eds.), Actes du Colloque Franco-Allemand de Grammaire Transformationnelle II Etudes de semantique et autres. 165-173. Niemeyer.
1974b. Geach and Katz on presupposition. Foundations of Language 12. 177-200.
1974. Pivot-independent relativization in Japanese I. Papers in Japanese Linguistics 3. 59-93.
1975-6. Pivot-independent relativization in Japanese II. Papers in Japanese Linguistics 4. 85-96.
1976a. Reflections on the fundations of narrative theory. In T. A. van Dijk (ed.), Pragmatics of Language and Literature. 107-140. Amsterdam: North-Holland. French translation: "Réflexions sur les fondementes de la théorie de la narration." In J. Kristeva, J.-C. Milner, N. Ruwet (eds.), Langue, Discours, Société: Pour Emile Benveniste. 260-293. Paris: Editions du Seuil. Reprinted in Kuroda 1979b.
1976b. A typological study of phrase-structure languages. Information and Control. 30. 307-379.
1976c. Subject. In M. Shibatani (ed.), Syntax and Semantics 5: Japanese Generative Grammar. 1-16. NY: Academic Press.
1976d. Headless relative clauses in Modern Japanese and the Relevancy Condition. BLS 7. 269-279.
1976e. Nihon-go no ronri-shiko. [Logic and thought of the Japanese language.] In S. Ono and T. Shibata (eds.), Iwatani Nihon-go Koza. 141-176. Tokyo: Iwatani-shoten.
1976f. Linguistic harmony notes, Series A: Charms of identity. In D. McCawley (ed.), Syntax and Semantics 7: Notes from Linguistic Underground. 227-228. NY: Academic Press.
1976-7. Pivot-independent relativization in Japanese III: Types of Japanese relatives. Papers in Japanese Linguistics 5. 157-179. Reprinted in Kuroda 1992b.
1977. Description of presuppositional phenomena from a nonpresuppositionalist point of view. Linguisticae Investigationes 1. 63-162.
1978. Case-marking, cannonical sentence patterns and counter equi in Japanese. In J. Hinds and I. Haward (eds.), Problems in Japanese Syntax and Semantics. 30-51. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.
1979a. On Japanese passives. In G. Bedell, E. Kobayashi, and M. Muraki (eds.), Explorations in Linguistics: Papers in Honor of Kazuko Inoue. 305-347. Tokyo: Kaitakusha. Reprinted in Kuroda 1992b.
1979b. The (W)hole of the Doughnut: Syntax and its Boundaries. Ghent-Antwerp: E. Story-Scientia.
1979c. The semantics of Japanese topic marker wa. Linguisticae Investigationes 3. 75-86.
1979d. Concealed anaphora and pragmatic presupposition. Papers in Japanese Linguistics 6. 177-194.
1979e. Katz and Langendoen on presupposition. In C. K. Oh and D. A. Dinneen. Syntax and Semantics 11: Presupposition. 183-198. NY: Academic Press.
1979f. Aux Quatre Coins de la Linguistique. Paris: Editions de Seuil.
1979g. (Ko,) so, a ni tsuite. [On demonstratives (ko,) so, and a.] In Nigon-go to Eigo to: A Festschrift for Professor Eiichi Hayashi. 41-60. Tokyo: Kuroshio. Reprinted in S. Kinsui and Y. Takubo (eds.), Shijishi. [Demonstratives.] 151-192. Tokyo: Hitsuji Shobo.
1979h. Some thoughts on the foundations of the theory of language use. Linguistics and Philosophy 3. 1-17.
1980a. The reformulated theory of speech acts: Toward a theory of language use. In J. Boyd and A. Ferrara (eds.), Speech Act Theory: Ten Years Later. 67-80.
1980b. Bun no Kozo. [The structure of sentences] In T. Kunihiro (ed.), Nichi-ei Hikaku Koza II: Bunpo. 23-62. Tokyo: Taishukan.
1981a. Indexed predicate logic. CLS 17. 156-163.
1981b. The biautonomy of syntax. Linguistic Note from La Jolla 9. 64-78.
1981c. Some recent issues in Linguistic Theory and Japanese syntax. Coyote Papers 2. 103-122.
1982. Indexed predicate calculus. Journal of Semantics 1. 43-59.
1983a. What can Japanese say about Government and Binding. WCCFL2. 153-164. Reprinted in Kuroda 1992b.
1983b. A remark on certain constructions with the word naka in Japanese. In K. Inoue, E. Kobayashi, and R. Linde (eds.), Issues in Syntax and Semantics: Festschrift for Masatake Muraki. 93-100. Tokyo: Sanshusha.
1984. Movement of noun phrases. Ms. UCSD.
1985a. Ukemi ni tsuite no Kuno setsu o kaishaku suru. Nihongogaku 4(10). 69-76.
1985b. La sémantique des démonstratifs japonais. Linguisticae Investigationes 9. 69-82.
1986a. Movement of noun phrases in Japanese. In T. Imai and M. Saito (eds.), Issues in Japanese Linguistics. 229-271. Dordrecht: Foris. Reprinted in Kuroda 1992b.
1986b. What happned after the movement of noun phrase in La Jolla. In Kuroda 1986d. 71-96. Reprinted in Kuroda 1992b.
1986c. Whether we agree or not: Rough Ideas about the comparative syntax of English and Japanese. Ms. UCSD.
1986d. Working Papers from the first SDF workshop in Japanese syntax. UCSD.
1986e. A Case Against Lexicalism in Japanese Syntax and a Modest Proposal for the Reorganization of Grammar. Ms., UCSD.
1986f. (D')Accord ou pas d'accord: quelques idées générales concernant une grammaire comparative de l'anglais et du japonais. In Pierre Pica (ed.), Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes 14/15. Formes hommage à Mitsou Ronat. 189-206. Presse de l'Université de Paris 8.
1986g. A formal theory of speech acts. Linguistics and Philosophy 9. 495-524.
1987a. The study of so-called topic wa in passages from Tolstoy, Lawrence, and Faulkner (of course in Japanese translation). In J. Hinds, S. K. Maynard, S. Iwasaki (eds.), Perspectives on Topicalization: the Case of Japanese 'wa'. 143-164. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
1987b. Where is Chomsky's bottleneck? Newsletter Vol.1 No.7. 5-12. Center for Research in Language, UCSD.
1987c. Structural similarities of formal languages: A typological approach. In A. Manaster-Ramer (ed.), Mathematics of Language. 173-189. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
1988a. A geometric conception of grammar. Newsletter Vol.2, No.5. 4-10. Center for Research in Language, UCSD.
1988b. Harris and the reality of language. >Newsletter Vol.3. No.1. 4-13. Center for Research in Language, UCSD.
1988c. Whether we agree or not: a comaprative syntax of English and Japanese. Linguisticae Investigationes 12. 1-47. Reprinted in William J. Poser (ed.), Japanese Syntax. 103-144. Stanford: CSLI.
1989a. An explanatory theory of communicative intenstions. Linguistics and Philosophy 12. 377-388.
1989. Derivational and geometric conceptions of grammar: Reflections on Harris and Chomsky. Ms. UCSD.
1990a. The categorical and the thetic judgment reconsidered. In K. Mulligan (ed.), Mind, Meaning and Metaphysics: the Philosophy and Theory of Language of Anton Marty. 77-88. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
1990b. Cognitive and syntactic bases of topicalized and non-topicalized sentences in Japanese. In H. Hoji (ed.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics. 1-26. Stanford: CSLI.
1990c. Shieki no jodoshi no jiritsu-sei ni tsuite. In S. Tsuchida et al. (eds.), Bunpo to imi no aida. 93-104. Tokyo: Kuroshio.
1992a. Reflections on cogito. or: from cogitat, ergo est to cogito, ergo es. In L. Tasmowski and A. Zribi-Hertz (eds.), A Hommages a Nicholas Ruwet. 621-633. Ghent: Communication & Cognition.
1992b. Japanese Syntax and Semantics: Collected Papers. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
1993a. La syntaxe du causatif japonais et l'organisation des trois composantes syntaxiques de la grammaire. Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes 22. 75-94.
1993b. Lexical and productive causatives in Japanese: an examination of the theory of paradigmatic structure. Journal of Japanese Linguistics 15. 1-82.
1993c. On the scope principle and scope ambiguities in Japanese. Ms.UCSD and Kanda University of International Studies.
1994a. On function and structure of Japanese causatives: a summary. Proceedings of 1994 Nanzan Symposium. 219-224.
1994b. Introduction. In R. Aranovich et al. (eds.), The Proceedings of the Thirteenth West Coast Conference on Forma Linguistics. xi-xii. Stanford: CSLI
1997. A second look at Marty, Husserl, and Chomsky: The significance of the revolution in Linguistics. Tohoku Daigaku Kenkyu Nenpo 47. 1-37.
1998a. Shubu naizai kankeisetsu. [Head internal relative clauses.] In H. Hirano, M. Nakamura (eds.), Gengo no Naizai to Gaizai. 1-79. Sendai, Japan: Toohoku Daigaku Bungakubu.
1998b. Japanes question words and quantifiers. Studies in English Literature LXXIV. 325-327. The English Literary Society of Japan.
1999a. Notes on so-called head-internal relative clauses in Japanese. In M. Muraki and E. Iwamoto (eds.), Linguistics: In Search of the Human Mind/A Festschrift for Kazuko Inoue. 414-429. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.
1999b. Shubu naizai kankeisetsu. [Head internal relative clauses.] In S.-Y. Kuroda and M. Nakamura (eds.), Kotoba no Kaku to Shuhen - Nihongo to Eigo no Aida. 27-103. Tokyo: Kuroshio.
1999c. Tokoro Setsu. [Tokoro clauses.] In S.-Y. Kuroda and M. Nakamura, M. (eds.), Kotoba no Kaku to Shuhen - Nihongo to Eigo no Aida. 105-162. Kuroshio: Tokyo.
1999d. Jo. [Introduction.] In S.-Y. Kuroda and M. Nakamura, M. (eds.), Kotoba no Kaku to Shuhen - Nihongo to Eigo no Aida. vii-x. Kuroshio: Tokyo.
1999d. Bunpo riron to tetsugakuteki shizenshugi. In Onishi Masayuki trans. N. Chomsky, Gengo to Shiko. [Language and Thought] 95-134. Tokyo: Shohakusha.
2000a. Function and structure: Japanese causatives. In K. Takami, A. Kamio and J. Whitman (eds.), Syntactic and Functional Explorations: In Honor of Susumu Kuno. 83-98. Tokyo: Kurosio.
2000b. Kaidai. [Bibliographical essay.] In N. Fukui (ed.), Sintakkusu to Imi: Harada Shin Ichi Gengogaku Ronbun Senshu. [Syntax and Meaning: Sellected Works of Shin Ichi Harada.] 795-803. Tokyo: Kuroshio.
2001. Rendaku and vocabulary stratification. In B. Palek and O. Fujiwara (eds.), Preceedings of LP2000, Pragu, 2000. Item Order: Its Variety and Linguistic and Phonetic Consequences. 11-33. Pragu: Charles Unversity Press.
2002a. Tree pruning. In E. Laporte, C. Leclère, M. Pinot and M. Silberztein (eds.), Syntaxe, Lexique et Lexique-Grammaire. Volume dédié a Maurice Gross. Linguisticae Investigationes Supplimenta 24. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
2002b. Rendaku. In N. Akatsuka, S. Strauss, and B. Comrie (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 10. 337-350. Stanford: CSLI.
2003a. Judgments, point of vew and the interpretation of causee noun phrases. In Y-h.A. Li and A. Simpson (eds.), Functional Structure(s), Form, and Interpretation: Perspectives from East Asian Languages. 201-221. London: Routledge Curzon.
2003b. Complex predicates and predicate raising. Lingua 113: 447-480.
2003c. Generative grammar and beyond. In J. Moore and M. Polinsky (eds.), The Nature of Explanation in Linguistic Theory. 213-238. Stanford: CSLI.
2003c. Milsark's generalization and categorical judgments. In R. B. Young and M. Silberztein (eds.), Proceedings of SALT 13. Cornell: CLC Publications. Also printed in Journal of Cognitive Science 4. 121-147. Institute of Cognitive Science. Seoul National University. 2004.
2003d Korean Assimilation. Ms. UCSD.
2003e. Projective feature geometry: a case study in Korean assimilation. In S. Rose (ed.), San Diego Linguistic Papers 1. 83-108. Also printed in Journal of Cognitive Science. Vol.5.1. 73-137. Institute of Cognitive Science. Seoul National University. 2004.
2004a. Surface trees. In C. Leclerère, É. Laporte, M. Piot and M. Silbertztein (eds.), Lexique, Syntaxe et Lesique-Grammaire: Papers in Honor of Maurice Gross. 303-312. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
2004b. Prosody and the syntax of indeterminates. Syntax and Beyond, Working Papers in Linguistics. 83-116. Bloomington: Indiana University Linguistics Publications.
2004c. Intersective determiners. Ms. UCSD.
2005a. Focusing on the matter of topic: a study of wa and ga in Japanese. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 14. 1-58.
2005b. On dative subjects in Russian. In H. Broekhuis, N. Corver, R. Huybregts, U. Kleinhenz and J. Koster (eds.), Organiznig Grammar: Linguistic Studies in Honor of Henk van Riemsdijk. 365-373. Berlin/NY: Mouton de Gruyter.
2005c. Nihongo kara mita Seisei-bunpoo. [Generative Grammar from the perspective of Japanese.] Tokyo: Iwanami-shoten.
2006. Feature geometry and phonetic features: A case study in voicing and coda nasalization in Japanese. Gengo Kenkyu 129. 91-134.
2007. On the syntax of Old Japanese. Oxford-Kobe Seminars. In B. Frellesvig, M. Shibatani, and J. Charles (eds.), Current Issues in the History and Strucutre of Japanese. 263-318. Tokyo: Kuroshio.
2008a. What is "iambic pentameter"? In R. Kawashma, G. Phillippe and T. Sowley (eds.), Phantom Sentences. Esseys in Linguistics and Literature Presented to An Banfield. 285-328. NY: Peter Lang.
2008b. Head internal relative clauses, quantifier float, the definiteness effect and the mathematics of determiners. In H. Beecher, S. Fukuda and D. Michel (eds.), San Diego Linguistic Papers 3. 125-182.
2008c. Shakespeare no sonetto no honyaku no mondai [The problem of the translation of Shakespeare's Sonnets into Japanese] In Y. Kaneko et al, (eds.), Gengokenkyu no Genzai: Keishiki to Imi no Intafeisu. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.
2008d. Contrasts in Japanese: a contribution to feature geometry. In P. Avery, B. Elan Drecher, and K. Rice (eds.), Contrast in Phonology: Theory, Perception, Acquisition. 55-86. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
To appear. HIRC, QF and the definiteness effect. In Y. Takubo, T. Kinuhata, S. Grzelak, and K. Nagai (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 16. Stanford: CSLI.