Louis Couturat, The Logic of Leibniz
- Appendix I Outline of Classical Logic
- Appendix II Leibniz and Hobbes: Their Logic, Their Nominalism
- Appendix III Some of Leibniz's Mathematical Discoveries Relating to the Combinatory and Characteristic
- Appendix IV Leibniz as Founder of Academies
- Appendix V Grassmann's Geometrical Calculus
- Note I. Thomas Barton
- Note II. The Ars Magna of Ramon Lull and Athanasius Kircher
- Note III. Dalgarno's Ars Signorum
- Note IV. Wilkins's Philosophical Language
- Note V. On Conditions
- Note VI. Extract from On the Art of Combinations
- Note VII. New Method of Learning and Teaching Jurisprudence (1667)
- Note VIII. Specimen of Demonstrations in Politics (1669)
- Note IX. Definition of Universal Justice
- Note X. Definition of Love
- Note XI. The Usefulness of Albert von Hotten's Cylindrical Grammar
- Note XII. Some Thoughts on the Method of Completing and Improving the Encyclopedia of Alsted
- Note XIII. Judgment on the Writings of Comenius
- Note XIV. Leibniz as a Librarian
- Note XV. Leibniz's "Distractions"
- Note XVI. The Principle of Least Action
- Note XVII. Mathematical Theory of Games
- Note XVIII. Letter to Eler (10 May 1716)
- Note XIX. Letter to Lange (5 June 1716)
- Note XX. Letter to Kestner (1 July 1716)